Monday, March 30, 2009

The Landlord

The semester and year has been flying by. Where do I begin on what is going on in my life?

I executive produced a short film that is being entered in film festivals for the summer, named "the landlord." It is a film noir and you can get more information on it here.

I have been working hard on motion graphics titles for my professor, Brian Fuller, for his upcoming documentaries.

Speaking of motion graphics, I worked with some great guys to create promos for the Festival of Faith and Music at Calvin College this April, they can be seen here. They consisted of putting text in an environment (city) to promote the artists and speakers attending the festival.

Compass Film Academy has been doing a lot of student films and such this time of the year and I have had the privilege to work on two of them, as 2nd AC and Boom Op.

Look for lots of upcoming videos.